Wheat Allergy is the allergic response of body to food eaten that contains wheat. Wheat allergy is when body of person suffering from wheat allergy produces antibodies against the protiens found in wheat. Wheat allergy and Celiac Disease although being different yet are very commonly mistaken to be same. Celiac disease is autoimmune disorder of body in which immune system responds abnormally to food containing Gluten. Wheat is found in daily eatables like a few breads, chapattis, naan, noodles, pasta, pizza, wafers, cakes, muffins, biscuits, cookies, pastries, breakfast cereals etc. Wheat allergy can commonly causes Itching, hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, congested nose, breathing issues etc. In some cases a life threatening condition called Anaphylaxis can occur. 

Sign and symptoms of Wheat Allergy:

  • Itchy skin, rashes or hives (Urticaria)
  • Irritation in mouth
  • Irritation in throat
  • Congested nose
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain in stomach/abdomen

In some cases Anaphylaxis may occur which is life threatening condition in which patient may have tightness of throat or chest, difficulty in swallowing, severe breathing poblem, palor or bluness of skin and even fainting.

Common food articles in which wheat is found:

Wheat is found in daily eatables like a few breads, chapattis, naan, noodles, pasta, pizza, wafers, cakes, muffins, biscuits, cookies, pastries, breakfast cereals etc.

Frequently asked questions

Is Wheat allergy and Celiac Disease one and the same thing:

Wheat allergy and Celiac Disease although being different diseases yet are very commonly mistaken to be same. Wheat allergy is when body of person suffering from wheat allergy produces antibodies against the protiens found in wheat. Celiac disease is autoimmune disorder of body in which immune system responds abnormally to food containing Gluten.

What are the things that can trigger Wheat Allergy:

Wheat allergy can be triggered by food containing wheat like a few breads, chapattis, naan, noodles, pasta, pizza, wafers, cakes, muffins, biscuits, cookies, pastries, breakfast cereals and other food products containing wheat proteins.

After how much time of eating wheat the allergic symptoms are produced:

It can take a few minutes to few hours for the appearance of wheat allergy symptoms.

Which tests will diagnose Wheat Allergy:

Wheat allergy can be diagnosed by skin prick test  in which skin is pricked after placing small quantity of wheat protein on skin and reaction of skin is checked after fifteen to twenty minutes. If skin shows some reaction in form of red spot that indicates allergy.

IgE antibodies are tested for wheat protein in blood test.

Can a person have severe reaction to Wheat:

Yes, in some cases patient can have severe reaction called Anaphylaxis. It can be a life threatening condition in which patient may have tightness of throat or chest, difficulty in swallowing, severe breathing poblem, palor or bluness of skin and even fainting.

Is Wheat Allergy Curable?

Homeopathy can cure Wheat Allergy. Many patients are already on normal wheat diet after homeopathic treatment without having any allergic reaction to it now. However duration of treatment may vary from patient to patient depending upon severity of disease, Dietary habits, comorbid conditions and patient response to treatment. 

Clinical Observation:

Homeopathy gives good results in cases of Wheat Allergy taking into consideration life, personality, any stress / fears and anxieties of patient and taking into consideration of mental trigger along with dietary triggers.   

Homeopathic treatment for Wheat allergy:

There are many medicines for Wheat allergy like All-Cepa, Arsenic Alb, Berberis Vulgaris, Copaifera Off, Euph, Rhus-tox, Pulsatilla, Sulphur etc., but no homeopathic medicine should be taken without consulting doctor. Please consult Homeopathic doctor to get rid of Wheat Allergy. Homeopathic doctor will take detail case history and give you individualized treatment.


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that was started by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It is based on doctrine of Similia Simlibus Curentur which means Like Cures Like.

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