
Swollen veins in the anus and rectum are Piles (Also called Hemorrhoids). Piles can be Internal or External. Swollen veins inside the rectum are called internal Piles. Swollen veins under the skin around anus are called external Piles.    

Sign and Symptoms:

Sign and symptoms can vary from patient to patient and depending on type of piles.

Sign and symptoms:





          Piles can prolapse and come out of anus.

          Internal hemorrhoids are generally less painful than external hemorrhoids.

Causes of Piles:

Chronic Constipation: Straining for stool leads to pressure on veins causing piles.

Pregnancy: As the uterus enlarges, it causes pressure on veins and can lead to piles.

Lifting: Heavy lifting regularly can cause piles.

Prolonged sitting.

Being overweight.

Anal intercourse.

Diet with low fiber content in it.

Diagnosis of piles:

Piles can be diagnosed by doctor by physical examination or digital rectal examination. Doctor may advise anoscopy/ sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to cofirm/ to rule out any other cause of bleeding from rectum.

Prevention of piles:

Increase high fiber diet like vegetable, fruits and salad.

Avoid constipation

Avoid prolonged sitting.

Avoid overlifting.

Keep your weight in control.

Drink plenty of liquids.

Frequently asked questions

Is bleeding from rectum always due to piles:

No, bleeding from rectum is not always due to piles. Bleeding from rectum can be due to multiple reasons including piles like Ulcerative Colitis, Chrohn’s Disease, anal fissures, proctitis, rectal ulcer, anal cancer or colon cancer etc.  

Which tests will diagnose piles:

piles is  generally  diagnosed  by local examination, digital rectal examination. Doctor may advise anoscopy/ sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to cofirm cause of bleeding from rectum.

Is piles Curable?

Piles are curable. Homeopathy can cure Hemorrhoids. However duration of treatment may vary from patient to patient depending upon patient’s lifestyle and dietary habits. 

Clinical Observation:

I have observed that piles is aggravated by food/ diet that is too Spicy/ peppery. Too much dry fruits can also aggravate piles.

Homeopathic treatment of piles:

There are many medicines for piles like Aesc-H, Aloe-S, Hamamelis- V, Arsenic Alb, Sulphur, Nux-vom, Sepia, Merc-s, Phos  etc., but no homeopathic medicine should be taken without consulting doctor. Please consult Homeopathic doctor to get rid of piles.  


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that was started by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It is based on doctrine of Similia Simlibus Curentur which means Like Cures Like.

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